This is Kjell's birthday today! Beautiful sun clouds! Mållin Kjell's eldest daughter comes to bring so many and delicious sorts of cakes she has baked herself!! And of course the traditional birthday cream and strawberries cake... Without forgetting the Swedish flag standing on the table as it is custom in Sweden for birthdays. We ate them with the traditional  coffee (fika) and then the rented Porsche came to pick up Kjell ( surprise) for a tour while we are getting ourselves ready for the cruise boat on the lake with 40 other friends and relatives! A nice 2:30 hours cruise while,we enjoyed the landscape, and having festive food and drinks! Kjell had no ideas about all this and was really thrilled about it!!!

Then back to Lisselbo to prepare the BBQ for tonight's dinner (only 14 of us), a mix of Swedish salads and Greek food like tzatziki and pittas on the grill ... Wine and schnapps that you drink every one and then after someone calls for a "skål", sometimes with a special song dedicated to,the moment....

Lateron we went to play the traditional Swedish game: Kubb

c'est un jeu de plein air scandinave d'origine Viking, combinaison de jeux de quilles, lancer  de fer-à-cheval et d'échecs, en bois et qui se joue le plus souvent sur une pelouse!  Le mot "Kubb" signifie "bloc de bois" en dialecte du Gotland (île suédoise de la Mer Baltique).Le but est de renverser les blocs en bois de l'adversaire à l’aide de bâtons. Le vainqueur est celui qui parvient le premier, et au final seulement, à faucher le roi. Le jeu, qui n’est pas dépourvu de stratégie, est parfois surnommé «jeu d’échecs viking». Les règles peuvent varier d'un pays à l'autre et de région en région. Lots of fun we had all of us! Some cocktails and jacuzzi to end that beautiful day.... Paradise....I'm telling you....